Autumn Inspiration

Central Park 

Central Park

Central Park

Central Park

Central Park
Central Park

Central Park- trees.

Fancy #2

The excitement begins
Whats in the box

All my presents

Paris vs. New York

Fancy box #2

My first

Spider man the size of a building

Fancy dress for the parade

Statue of Liberty from the boat

Mum and I 

Battery Gardens from the boat

Thanksgiving Meal

View from the restaurant

Inside the restaurant

My first thanksgiving.

Elma Blint Jewelry

Initial Earrings

Gold and Silver Bangles

Sometimes the simpler the jewelry, the more stylish it is. But this only works if the designer has an exceptional eye for a simplistic style and an extraordinary talent to craft the very best materials. All these elements are well covered by Elma Blunt a Brooklyn jewelry designer I spotted at the Fort Green Flea Market on Saturday.

Along with being a very friendly person Elma has a great ability to produce a range of jewelry with a timeless and effortless feel. Each piece is expertly crafted and finished to perfection. Providing delicate pieces along with a more chunky selection Elma's bangles and small rings grabbed my attention and made their way onto my christmas list. The quality of silver and 14kt. gold is evident in the every piece and each is just waiting to be owned by that Brooklyn woman with an eye for fine effortless jewelry.

Even the way the products were displayed was thought through and in-keeping with the simplistic style of design- My personal favorite was the cork board used to display the initial earring, very inventive!

Take a look at Elma's website to have a look at all her items she has to offer....

Out and about

A few snaps from out and about in New York

Fort Green Flea market- Brooklyn

Large Red Ball-Balls - Manhattan

Battery Gardens Restaurant- View of Statue of Liberty

Helicopter view of NYC

Happy snapping

I had a bit of an up and down day today camera wise. My trusty canon G10 had a terrible day and is temporarily (hopefully) broken. The lens is stuck so if anyone knows how to fix it please do let me know!!

On a better note I got an early birthday present from my parents- A POLAROID CAMERA!! I am SO excited for this !! The one i decided to go for was the Fujifilm instax mini in white. There were many polaroids on offer, including a newly launched one from polaroid offering an option to select images to print on via an lcd screen, but I think the beauty of the polaroid is the fact you have no option to select the best image. If its a bad picture its a bad picture- the funnier the better I say! I am extremely excited about using this tomorrow and the images are definitely going to be a big feature of my blog.

The experience of buying the camera was also something to note down, even if you aren't looking to buy a camera I would suggest going and having a look in B&H camera shop located on 34th street, 9th Av. It is incredible ! If you love photography like me you will be in heaven! So many products for sale ranging from disposable cameras to the top of the top cameras for film and TV. It might not be so bad if my 4 year old camera breaks because there were so many in the shop waiting to be taken home. The system in the shop is also great, everything is transported by conveyer belt- Its like being in Santas workshop at this time of the year, all thats missing is the elf costumes.

Artists & Fleas

A print obsession .. 

Veronica Chen- Illustrator-

Tie dye 

Everett- Ties and accessories- 

On our way to the waterfront flea markets in Williamsburg we decided to have a wonder round the artists & flea warehouse which has been converted into a unique setting for artists and designers to sell their products.

The Warehouse was jam packed with people making it very warm on an extremely cold day. I walked round taking pictures and collecting business cards from companies that grabbed my attention. There is a huge variety of products available including vintage clothing, christmas cards and hand made jewellery.

Business cards-
Impish Lee- Handmade Lingerie and accessories-
Emily grace johnson- hand made cards-
Veronica Chen- Illustrator-
Everett- Ties and accessories-

WithDRAWal symptoms

I am hugely missing having a sketchbook whilst I am in New York so this weekend it is TOP of my list of things to buy! I have been looking through old drawings from uni and thought you might like to see some so I will be uploading a few in between the next blog posts.

Reading or Writing?

This weekend we went to the Renegade Craft fair, which was located along the Williamsburg waterfront in Brooklyn. The craft fair was buzzing with holiday shoppers and creative faces looking for inspiration.

I managed to chat to a few people and picked up a number of business cards which I will be blogging about soon.

One of the unique businesses that caught my eye was 'BookJournals'. Selling old recovered vintage books which have been lovingly brought back to life and transformed into journals. The books come in a huge variety of covers and contain blank pages for your own personal notes along with pages from the book scattered throughout, making each experience unique to the buyer. I have just purchased a 'Cat in the Hat- Green Eggs and Ham' for my christmas lists, why don't you have a  browse yourself ...